European – Kurdistan Green Organization

Article no. 1
1.1 The name of the organization: The European-Kurdistan green organization.
1.2 The organization’s main objective: The Green organization is a non-profitable, non-political
NGO created to promote environmental awareness and provide solutions to the environmental
challenges we face today.

Article no. 2 – The Main Seat
2.1 The main organization’s headquarters is situated in Norway.
2.2 The organization is also able to establish other branches and offices in other countries if

Article no. 3 – The Emblem
The emblem consists of three colors; green, blue and white. The color scheme represents nature,
life, peace and the balance needed to maintain these three.

Article No.4 – The Organization’s Primary Objectives:
4.3 Co-operation and co-ordination with government departments and applicable agencies
regarding protection and improvement of the environment and its natural resources.
4.4 Co-operation with various NGO environmental organizations to develop a program to
protect the environment from destruction.
4.5 Work towards improving the environment for future generations’ lives and towards creating
an environmentally friendly economy.
4.6 To make information about the environment available for all people. To work towards
freedom of speech and media-freedom; thus, allowing them to inform the society and uncover the
4.7 Hold national meetings, seminars and conferences with the objective of minimizing
environmental issues.
4.8 To offer suggestions and advice on possible new laws on the protection of the environment.
Participation in research and studies of the environment so that the results will be delivered to
applicable agencies with the intent of implementing these measures.
4.9 Participation in planning of programs, projects and environmental activities within the
constraints of the economy. Seek benefits to be used on modern environmentally friendly
technologies and support those who work for the environment.

Article No.5 – The Organization’s viewpoint and fundamental principles:
5.1 All areas of life are connected to each other. There are no spaces between the all the areas

like nature, humanity, social interaction, culture etc… All these areas complement one another.
5.2 To preserve all of nature’s component like, humans, animals, plants and inanimate objects in
Kurdistan and across the globe.
5.3 Co-operation and co-ordination with applicable agencies to prevent hunger, poverty and
5.4 The welfare of the society takes precedence.
5.5 To work towards maintaining a clean environment, rehabilitate the environment’s condition,
reinforce and support measures and programs regarding protection of the environment. Preserve
nature and its maintenance. To minimize pollution factors and proximate dangers nationally and
5.6 Investing and usage of nature’s national resources in a wise way. Use environmentally
friendly production methods. Take into account continual developmental principles within industrial
plans and projects.
5.7 Protection of forest, animals and plants that are prone to extinction. Preserve natural
environments and sustain them for future generations.
5.8 Encourage people to choose environmentally friendly methods and products.
5.9 Caution people about possible environmental and health disasters resulting from use of
modern technology.
5.10 To work towards reinforcing democracy and development. To avoid social violence and hold
onto human values by respecting human rights and social justice on account of the impossibility to
care for the environment where humans are not valued. Hence the reason these principles constitute
the views and philosophy of the organization.
Article No.6 – Membership Conditions and Registration Procedures:
6.1 People of ages 18 years and above who are environmentally friendly, regardless of religion,
nationality or gender, are permitted to seek apply for membership.
6.2 To fill out a membership form and promise to respect the organization’s platform and
program. To pay a registration fee approved by the board.
6.3 To not use one’s position in the organization for personal gain.
6.4 Members must not possess a criminal record.

Article No.7 – Rights and Duties of Members:
7.1 Members’ Rights
7.1.1 Participation in the organizations program, meetings (including annual meetings).To give
your opinion, notices and criticism.
7.1.2 When representing the organization in private or general context, a member is permitted to
speak under the organization’s title without departing from the organization’s fundamental purposes.
7.1.3 All members have the right to candidacy and to vote during elections of the organization’s
7.2 Members’ Duties
7.2.1. To conserve the environment, people and nature.
7.2.2. To participate the organization’s meetings and activities, which lead to protection of people,
animals, the environment and nature.
7.2.3. All who have been granted membership and accepted the organization’s platform, is subject
to all decisions made by the organization.
7.2.4. To participate in informing others in according to principles of environmental protection and
human rights.

7.2.5. To commit to pay membership charges.

Article No.8 – Revocation of Membership:
The board can revoke the memberships of those who commit the following transgressions:
8.1 Failure to execute the organization’s platform and instructions.
8.2 Disregard to the organization’s practice and ethics or degradation of the organization’s
8.3 Commit grave errors which lead to great losses for the organization.

Article No.9 – The Organization’s Committees:
The Foundation Committee:
9.1 Those who have participated in the founding of the organization are in the Foundation
9.2 The Foundation Committee is considered the highest authority in the organization. The
committee’s meeting is considered the annual meeting and is held every second year. The annual
meeting is conducted by the chairman or the chairman’s deputy. In the case of both board-members’
absence the meeting will be conducted by the eldest member of the committee.
9.3 The Foundation Committee shall be convened by the organization’s foundation meeting after
legal permissions obtained for the purpose:
9.3.1. Utilizing work mechanism, the organization’s program and platform, and the organization’s
9.3.2. Election of board-members.

Article No.10 – The Board:
10.1 The board’s structure and authority: number of directors shall be a minimum of five
including the chairman, assuming that all board-members are competent within the environmental
and civil society. The board will be elected every second year. The board performs the following
10.1.1. Processing of suggestions from members and the organization’s activists.
10.1.2. Promote suggestions regarding ratification of the organization’s program and platform to the
Foundation Committee for utilize during the annual meeting.
10.1.3. Perform the Foundation Committee’s decisions.
10.1.4. The board has authority to open other offices or branches if necessary.
10.1.5. Recording of year-plan for the organization’s work and authorization of the plan.
10.1.6. Prepare the organization’s annual report and present it to the Foundation Committee for
10.1.7. Manage the organization’s funds and collect membership fees. Accept donations and pay
necessary expenditures to manage the organization.
10.1.8. Execute and oversee project programs.
10.1.9. Process membership revocations.
10.2 The Board’s Decisions:
10.2.1. The Board’s decisions that are described in the program are approved by majority of vote
unless specified otherwise.
10.2.2. All decisions regarding the chairman and his two deputies are made by the chairman
according to his/her authority. The same applies to directors for offices and branches in other

10.3 Board Meeting: the board has its meeting once a month with notice from the chairman.
Extraordinary meetings are held when necessary if two-thirds of the members vote for it, if the
platform does not specify otherwise. Decisions are approved by majority of vote.
10.4 The Chairman’s Authority:
10.4.1. Convening regular and extraordinary meetings.
10.4.2. Represent the organization during official and unofficial settings.
10.4.3. Execute all authorities given to him/her by the Foundation Committee.
10.4.4. Transfer part of their authority to his/her deputies or other board members.
10.4.5. The deputy shall represent the chairman during his/her absence regardless of reason for
10.5 Duration of the board’s term: the term last two years and expires when a new board has been

Article No.11 – The Organization’s Budget:
11.1 The organization’s financial source is:
11.1.1. Registration fees and membership fees.
11.1.2. Benefits from public and private agencies.
11.1.3. Donations and gifts from members and others.
11.1.4. Donations and benefits from regional and international organizations approved by the board.
11.2 The organization is independent in regards to finance and administration.
11.3 The organization’s funds shall be put into bank accounts chosen by the board with approval
from the chairman.
11.4 The board keeps accounts according to the Finance Act.

Article 12 – Dissolution of the Organization:
12.1 The organization can be dissolved by two-thirds of the Foundation Committee’s present
members’ votes, provided the majority of the board-members agree to the dissolution. The
organization’s credit funds after dissolution shall be given to another organization, which is
appointed during the dissolution.